Friday, March 11, 2016

Ought to Be a Law Presentation

Mr. Joe Klezek’s and Mr. Barry Gresh’s Civics classes were fortunate to have Debbie Birch, Beth Thomas, and Charlie Vizzini from State House Representative Frank Burns’ 72nd District office in to speak about the government process. In particular, the focus of their visit was to educate students on the legislative process and how a bill becomes a law. Students were able to discuss the format through which a bill is presented, as well as role play the duties and responsibilities of specific high ranking officials such as the Speaker of the House, Floor leaders, and Whips. At the climax of the presentation, students were able to put forth pieces of their own legislation that would be debated on the “House floor”, which led to interesting discussions on numerous subjects such as: Keystone Testing requirements and Pennsylvania motorcycle helmet laws. Students were able to debate differing viewpoints and got a glimpse of just how convoluted the political process can be. The information provided by the representatives from Mr. Burns’ office will undoubtedly supplement our students’ curriculum here at the high school and will serve to bolster their understanding of the political process that will be put in front of them in the very near years to come.