On Thursday, February 25th the Law/Current Events
class concluded Miranda Week (one part of our current unit on the criminal
investigation process) by utilizing one of our greatest resources. Officer
Nathan Stohon came into our classroom and gave the students a glimpse of
reality should they travel down the wrong path at some point in their lives.
The arrest is obviously a vital component of the investigation process and
while the students did have a pleasant time “being arrested”, our hope was to
try and ensure that students understood the overall process, and hopefully, as
well, never find themselves in handcuffs again. Officer Stohon’s expertise
proved invaluable as I was able to hand the class over to him at certain points
and allow him to convey the information on a different level than just teacher
to student. I look forward to hopefully bringing Officer Stohon back in to my
classroom in the near future to help put a real world spin on some of the
things we are going to be talking about.
Dog days of summer….
Dog days of summer….
The term “Dog days of summer” dates back to the ancient Romans who applied
the label to the hottest, most humid days of the year. R...
7 years ago