Tuesday, November 24, 2015

CCHS-Full Spectrum

One of 28 high school teams competing at Bellwood Antis on November 17th, CCHS-Full Spectrum sported colorful tie-dyed shirts and represented Central Cambria well by earning a second place ribbon at the Fall IU8 Reading Competition. The CC team included students from each class at the high school. It should be noted that after tie-dying their shirts (and consuming every slice of two Big Daddy pizzas!), the entire team (except one with a prior obligation) also had a great time sponsoring a room for the Safe Trick or Treat Night at CCMS.

CCHS-Full Spectrum team members were: Maria Minor, Caleb Osborne, Harper Long, Katelynn Anderson, Tyler Toth, Molly Pilcher, Megan Dubuque, Danica Polka, Caitlin Machuta, Megan Lazration, Rachel Vandebergh, Megan Heinzeroth, and Lauryn McCullough.