Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Doc Dixon’s Anti-Bullying Magic Program

The students at Jackson and Cambria Elementary Schools participated in the Doc Dixon Program on September 13th.

Doc Dixon uses magic to illustrate his steps on handling bullying in appropriate ways. His presentation was both fun and engaging for the elementary students. Studies have proven that people retain more when the information enters their mind with an entertaining and visual aspect. Plus, magic puts an audience in a mood that’s both fun and analytical – the perfect mood when hearing an important message regarding "Bullying."

Doc Dixon described his Four Star Steps of “What to do when you meet a bully:"
  1. Stick together
  2. Tell the bully to stop
  3. Alert an adult at school and home 
  4. Respect others and treat them the way you want to be treated
Students received Four S.T.A.R. Steps cards as reminders.