Tuesday, November 8, 2011


The CCMS PTSO held its first meeting on October 11th. Attending were Mrs. McDermott, Principal; Diane Hoffman, PTSO President; Rebecca Heiney, Fundraising Chairperson, and Ms. Teena Moritz, Parent. Our Next meeting will be on January 10th. *We will not be meeting during November or December.

Highlights of the meeting were a discussion of the ARCC anti-bullying campaign where students and teachers recognize classmates via nominations to receive a t-shirt on "Free Shirt Fridays” which will be held every other Friday. The PTSO helping to support the costs of the shirts with a generous donation of $500.00

Upcoming events for November: Parent Teacher Conferences on the 2nd and the 9th. In recognition of American Education Week, the PTSO provides refreshment for the teachers both evenings. Volunteers are still needed for the 9th. Please contact Diane Hoffman via email diane@felixfamilydaycare.com to volunteer.