Monday, October 19, 2015

Paint the Plow!

Central Cambria High School, along with several other schools, is currently participating in the Cambria County PennDOT inaugural “Paint the Plow Project”.  This is a community outreach program that invites students to paint one of PennDOT’s plow blades with student original artwork. Earlier this school year, PennDOT provided a clean plow blade to each participating school. The painted message on each plow is intended to promote public awareness through a safety message while helping to foster greater appreciation of both PennDOT and our school’s art programs. Currently all finished plows are on display in front of the PennDOT County Maintenance Office in Ebensburg. When the snow flies, each school’s painted plow will be used in their respective school district for all to see!

     At our school, all of Ms. Irwin’s art students contributed to “our plow” by spending a class period brainstorming ideas followed with a day of drawing.  Later many of these drawings were combined into a final draft. When painting began, each student was given the opportunity to put paint and brush to “our plow”. This project allowed the student’s to work as a team while applying their art and design knowledge, using their painting skills on an unconventional surface. There is no doubt that this display of our art students’ talent was a true success!

     While the “Paint the Plow Project” was a fun challenge for the students to tackle, this project is not finished!  There will be judging by PennDOT officials yet and a Fan Favorite vote open to the public to be cast in this spirited competition between the participating schools. The “Fan Favorite” will be decided through PennDOT’s facebook page, and the votes will be counted by the number of “likes” that a school’s plow blade receives. The overall winner of this “Paint the Plow” project will be based off of the “Judges Pick” and the “Fan Favorite”.

     Please show your school spirit and support by “liking” our Central Cambria plow at