On Sept. 30, Mrs. Kate Wolf, guidance counselor and 5th grade student team members -Jessica Lian, Lydia Knarr, Emma Pablic, Gwen Fodor, Michael Kuzilla, Ivan McNeal, Aiden Lechleitner and Sam Hofecker - introduced the new School Wide Positive Behavior program to all students.
To encourage and recognize the positive behaviors of our students, Cambria and Jackson Elementary schools are focusing on creating an atmosphere of respect and courtesy.
What that means is that all elementary students have clear expectations for behaviors posted in all areas of the school, teachers reinforce those rules and behaviors with various incentives in their classrooms, the guidance counselor teaches character education lessons, and all school personnel reinforce the positive behaviors.
What’s new is an additional rewards program. All school personnel have Central Cambria Cash Tickets that they can hand a child when they catch them doing something good. The student fills out their name and grade on the tickets and drops them into the big colorful box for their grade.
Each 6 day cycle, names will be drawn from these boxes for each grade level. Those students’ names will be read over the morning announcements and they will get to pick an extra prize of their choice. Prizes include items like toys, art supplies, books, clothing and (best of all) coupons for incentives that the students’ chose. Those coupons give them a chance to “eat a private lunch with a friend” at a special location, to “read to a kindergarten class”, to get “extra computer time” or a “homework pass”, etc.
We want all students to recognize how their behavior affects others around them and their environment. With this program focusing on the positives, we create less discipline referrals, more student role models and an enhanced school climate.
Dog days of summer….
Dog days of summer….
The term “Dog days of summer” dates back to the ancient Romans who applied
the label to the hottest, most humid days of the year. R...
7 years ago