On Friday November 20, 2015 the St. Francis University Women’s Lacrosse Team visited Cambria
Elementary‘s 1st Grade. The St. Francis girls participated in small group read alouds for all four of
Cambria Elementary’s First Grade classrooms. The SFU students engaged their groups with a short story
and a group discussion of that story. The SFU athletes also participated in a Pen Pal writing project with
Mr. Domonkos’ 1st grade class. The 1st grade students and the Lacrosse Team exchanged letters to each
other 5 times over the past 3 months. The writing topics included introduction, favorite color, favorite
sport, Halloween costumes and Thanksgiving Day plans. The first grade students were able to increase
their overall penmanship, grammatical skills and creativity throughout this Pen Pal project. On the 20th
the Pen Pals were able to finally meet face to face after several letter exchanges. The Women’s Lacrosse
Team also provided all of 1st grade with a snack from Dunkin Donuts to show their appreciation to the
school and all of 1st Grade.
Dog days of summer….
Dog days of summer….
The term “Dog days of summer” dates back to the ancient Romans who applied
the label to the hottest, most humid days of the year. R...
7 years ago