Friday, November 21, 2014

Youth Professional Development Conference:

On Wednesday, October 22, 2104 13 high school students and the guidance counselors attended the Youth Professional Development Conference, which was held at the Frank J. Pasquerilla Conference Center in Johnstown, PA. The theme for this year event was “Success is Intentional,” which stressed that it is up to the students themselves to be the driving force behind not only becoming successful, but defining what success mean to them. The students were exposed to extremely motivational speakers who addressed various topics including, social investment, workplace etiquette, personal branding and regional opportunities/assets for students. Students learned the importance of a first impression, how social media can be used to be a positive force in your life and how important positive social relationships are to your overall happiness and success. Because of the overwhelmingly positive responses our student had when asked about their experiences at the conference, we plan on having a couple of the speakers address our entire student body.