Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Supper for Science 2013

“Supper for Science 2013” was a huge success for the Central Cambria School District. Click on the Smilebox to see photos from the eighteen restaurants that participated in the event on March 7, 2013. Over seventy volunteers helped to raise funding for Science education at both Cambria and Jackson Elementary Schools. We successfully raised over $5,000.00! Our community supports quality educational programs for our children. Thank you to everyone who helped make the evening fun for our elementary students and their families! If you would like to donate to the science program throughout the school year, simply send a tax deductable contribution check written to the Central Cambria Education Foundation to either elementary school in an envelope marked CCEF. Please note on the check that you would like the donation applied to the elementary science program. Thank you!


Dr. Lansberry and Mrs. Murin
Click the Link to view Smilebox Video: Smilebox Video