All of the students faced challenges in the 30 hour requirement for class completion, but they provided themselves with drive and fortitude - two needed ingredients in the word success. Mr. Nikolishen and Miss Getz are very proud to be the two teachers who had the opportunity to witness all of the action which took place during Summer Physical Education 2015. The students worked very hard and provided each other and the teachers with smiles, laughter, and pride. There were several students who even came for all of the 36 hours offered just for the simple reason that they wanted to come for the workout. The students were awesome and the school district should be commended for their offering of this program, which provided the opportunity for academic opportunities and advancement for students at Central Cambria High School.
Dog days of summer….
Dog days of summer….
The term “Dog days of summer” dates back to the ancient Romans who applied
the label to the hottest, most humid days of the year. R...
7 years ago