Wednesday, December 17, 2014

ROCK Program

On December 15 (12/15/14), students from the St. Francis “ROCK” program came to work with and present their program to Mr. Wagner’s Chemistry classes.  “ROCK” stands for Rural Outreach Chemistry for Kids and is an excellent program to get high school students interested in science oriented college programs and careers.  In fact, two of Mr. Wagner’s former Chemistry students, Christopher Evans and Sabrina Blake, came back to Central Cambria to help present the program.  The St. Francis students instructed a hands-on activity entitled “Super Soakers” with the students that involved sodium polyacrylate. The chemical was collected from baby diapers to help demonstrate its ability to absorb water and urine.  A sample of yellow dyed salt water was used to simulate urine so it could be compared to how the sodium polyacrylate absorbs urine versus water.  The students absolutely loved the program and took a real interest in the hands on chemistry that was being presented.  Mr. Wagner and his students would also like to thank Mrs. McDermott and Mr. Paronish for allowing the St. Francis students to come in and present the “ROCK” program.