Mrs. Shirk’s students crave the warmth provided by sharing a
good book with friends! The students in her upper-level English classroom
crave multiple copy books that they can read collaboratively, discuss, and
interact with during Literature Circles. Her Donors Choose project requested
funding for variety and choice in reading materials. Through the generous
donations of donors, the total cost of $815 was funded. Supporting the
project was Jennifer from Maryland, who wrote: "I am a graduate of CCHS,
and support the school district's mission for all children to be successful. English
was my favorite subject in school, and anything that will help students become
better readers, spellers, and writers, I fully support."
Dog days of summer….
Dog days of summer….
The term “Dog days of summer” dates back to the ancient Romans who applied
the label to the hottest, most humid days of the year. R...
7 years ago