Over the past year, we have revitalized our District Bullying Prevention program with ARCC – Atmosphere of Respect, Courtesy, and Courage. Our goal is to use this theme as a vehicle for developing a positive school culture based on these character traits. Motivational speaker Mr. Mike Hall visited Central Cambria on September 11th with presentations for both middle school and high school students. Mike has traveled the nation talking to various schools and teen groups about their lives and how to rise above the pressures they face. His “Zero to Hero” assembly emphasized the expectations of our ARCC program and encouraged the student body to make a difference in creating a positive school climate for all. The date of September 11th was selected to accentuate the Courage aspect of character, often needed to stand up for what’s right. Mike used his experiences moving from school-to-school as a military child to connect with the hardships of building and maintaining friendships. He encouraged students to keep the “big picture” in mind and to treasure the gifts that we encounter every day. Students were able to interact throughout the program and then participate in a “meet and greet” session for follow-ups conversations and book signings. The High School AV/Media class recorded the assembly and will be using segments in future productions.
Dog days of summer….
Dog days of summer….
The term “Dog days of summer” dates back to the ancient Romans who applied
the label to the hottest, most humid days of the year. R...
7 years ago