As mentioned at the beginning of the school year, Jackson Elementary School received money through Title 1 to participate in the "Science It's Elementary" Program, a state-of-the-art, research-based curriculum. This includes K-5 teachers receiving professional development training on inquiry based learning and hands-on experiments to teach our children to be 21st Century Learners. The teacher trainings will take place in January and February and the "Science It's Elementary" lessons will be taught the last nine weeks in every classroom K-5. These lessons correlate with the Pennsylvania Science Standards. There are different modules presented at different grade levels. Module 1 consists of Kindergarten - Fabric, 1st grade - Weather, 2nd grade - Changes, 3rd grade - Rocks and Minerals, 4th grade - Electric Circuits, and 5th grade - Levers and Pulleys. If you have questions about this curriculum, please contact the school.