The 2010-2011 State Report Card is now available on Pennsylvania’s public AYP website:
Pennsylvania’s Report Card details 2011 information on achievement, accountability, highly qualified teachers, and other indicators. The report card is a public document that can be accessed by anyone interested in viewing a wide variety of state, district, and school performance reports.
You do not need a password to access the public AYP website. To view the 2010-2011 State Report Card, select the “State Report” tab from the PA AYP home page. From the State Report page, select “View 2010-2011 Report Card” to view the document.
If you have any questions about the 2010-2011Pennsylvania State Report Card, please contact the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Assessment and Accountability, by calling 717-705-2343.
Dog days of summer….
Dog days of summer….
The term “Dog days of summer” dates back to the ancient Romans who applied
the label to the hottest, most humid days of the year. R...
7 years ago